A person's blog tells a lot about them. It shows what kind of images they see in their heads, who they love, who they hate, even what they think about other people. But most of all - has all the words they never said to people, all the words they couldn't have said but should have said.
You still mean everything to me.You're just not worth the fight anymore.
väcker en av bilderna (du vet vilken ;) ) kivoga memories :PP ;)) hihihi
ReplyDeletehehe.. joo de gör den definitivt:D ;)
ReplyDeletehahahahahhhhahahahhaaaa;D myspys! om du räknar uppifrån så koppla ihop bilderna 5 & 9!! SLURP <3
ReplyDeleteälä;) de va nästan så:D (okej kanske int heeelt, men nästan:D )